ADN Group


Tools dedicated to negotiation

In negotiation everything begins with you. Discover your negotiator profile and assess your level in negotiation using ADN Tools.

1st global test of complex negotiation

The Negotiation Skills Test And Assessment is an online test to assess a person’s negotiation level and skills. Designed by ADN Group’s negotiators from different backgrounds (commerce, social, finance, hostage taking, diplomacy, etc.), the NSTAA© meets universal negotiation standards.

Nowadays, the NSTAA© is used by the largest multinationals and more than 10,000 participants have already taken the test.


Your negotiator profile Free and fast

The ADN Insider Trader Profile Test was designed by the professional traders at ADN Group. It is structured around 50 questions that amass the major themes from the experience of hundreds of negotiations. In 8 minutes, each user evaluates their profile for free by targeting their affinities and areas for improvement based on ten key negotiation skills.

Take the test