ADN Group
Stress & Crisis Masterclass

Stress Management and Emotional Performance

The Stress Management and Emotional Performance Masterclass enables each participant to acquire new skills. The instructor will subtly alternate between a theoretical approach and roleplaying based on real-life cases which will allow the participant to rapidly absorb the techniques. Each module of the Stress Management and Emotional Performance Masterclass will be covered in the following manner: empirical research, pragmatic examples and explanations, and practical role-playing (exercises, case studies…).


The Stress Management and Emotional Performance training course will allow any participant to gain the emotional upper hand to be satisfied in the long term and develop their relation impact.


We are committed to adapting to the specificities of each person: the training is accessible to people with disabilities. Our teams are at your complete disposal to adapt your training course to your needs. For any request for information, and your request will be redirected to our contact.




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of people are certified

The training is led by Kato Charlot and Thibaut Guiraud at our Paris headquarters.

After graduating from the National School for Police Officers, Stephane Charlot worked in several positions at the GIPN before becoming the deputy director of the RAID’s intervention group, then captain of the antiterrorist section. At ADN Group, today, Stephane Charlot is the reference in mental preparation, stress management and leadership.

As doctor in physiology, director of a clinic, the author of over fifty scientific publications, Thibaut Guiraud is a specialist in stress management, recovery, and mental preparation. At ADN Group he trains and assists leaders/ managers in maintaining their performance in deteriorating situations.

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  • Learn to manoeuvre calmly in uncertain environments
  • Share your emotions in deteriorating situations
  • Overcome the impact of stress on you and others
  • Develop your relational aura
  • Take care of yourself physically and psychologically


  • A complete debriefing of practical cases and situations during the training course.
Certified Qualiopi

ADN Group is a training organization that has obtained Qualiopi certification under the Training Action category.